Welcome to the second day of 2018!! 2017 might have gone away, but Coach Tip Tuesday hasn’t. So here we go!!
I’m kicking off 2018 by talking about resolutions, season planning, and goal setting. This time of year is historically when many people set goals for themselves and resolve to make “new and better versions” of themselves. Now, all of you likely know by now that I’m a big proponent of planning and mindful goal setting. With that being said, I know first-hand as a coach, athlete, and human that life does not always go the way we plan. Last year, all new goals I set for myself got thrown out the window, and the most significant new things I acquired were a piece of recycled bone and a steel plate with twelve screws to match.
So with that in mind, I’m taking a leaf out of my girl The Movement Maestro’s book this week, and telling you that it’s very okay if it’s a new year and you’re still the same you. It’s okay to celebrate the wonderful, awesome person that you are RIGHT NOW. That person has reached the goals that you’ve set for yourselves in past years, and it’s that person who has taught you your life lessons thus far. That person has survived 100% of your worst days, and has been with you for 100% of your best ones. That person deserves your admiration, and that person deserves to be celebrated. You don’t need to try and reinvent that awesome person just because the last digit of the year is different now. :)
This year might not be the year that you get (or even want) to do all of the epic things. Maybe you have a lot going on right now and you’ll succeed at this year by simply surviving it. Maybe you want to focus on some other things that you’ve wanted to do, such as reading a new book or learning to cook a new recipe.
Or, if you are a resolution-setting kind of person, it’s okay if your resolutions are uniquely your own and not the same as your peers’. Like you’ve all heard me talk about in the past, you are NOT your friends. You are NOT your siblings. You are NOT your co-workers. You are YOU. So go make your 2018 YOURS, in whatever way pleases and suits you best.
Happy New Year, my friends. I hope that 2018 brings you all that you hope for. And if I can help you out with something you’re hoping for, well….you know where I am. :)
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